Lexington is challenging residents to take the One Habit Pledge to help reduce landfill-bound waste. Residents can commit to one of ten waste-reducing habits.

Change is hard, but starting with a single, small new habit can make it easier. The One Habit Pledge is designed to set participants up for success.

Commit to one simple habit by taking the pledge. Choose from packing a no waste lunch once a week, passing on plastic utensils or straws when eating out or getting takeout, bringing a reusable container with you to restaurants to package leftovers, using a reusable grocery bag instead of plastic bags, removing yourself from unwanted catalog mailing lists, carrying a reusable water bottle, freezing fruits and veggies for later use, replacing paper towels and napkins with cloth ones, or buying refillable cleaning supplies or making your own.

Participants are encouraged to share their commitment and celebrate their successes. Take a picture of your pledge in action – or your habit “tool kit”. Share a trick that helped you follow through on your pledge. Post to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag OneHabitLex and tag @LiveGreenLex. If social isn’t your thing, share your tricks and triumphs by emailing LiveGreen@lexingtonky.gov.

Participants who share a photo will be entered in a prize drawing. Those who offer feedback on their experience by completing the follow-up survey in March will have the option to select a prize that can help further reduce their waste impact.

To learn more or take the pledge, visit LexingtonKY.gov/OneHabit.  

