Mulch is a Tree's Best Friend

Why is mulch so important for trees? Mulch covers and protect soil, which helps the soil slowly release nutrients that trees need. 

When mulching around your trees, you should:
  • Spread mulch out evenly, just beyond the branches of the tree.
  • Make sure the depth of the mulch is 1 - 3 inches.
  • Avoid piling mulch against the trunk.
Always avoid volcano mulching! This common mistake in landscaping involves piling mulch against the trunk of the tree. Volcano mulching can lead to problems associated with insects and disease. Mulch should be spread out evenly around the trunk of the tree.

Mulch provides many benefits to your trees: 

  • Keeps soil moist.
  • Reduces competition from weeds and grass.
  • Prevents soil from erosion and becoming compacted.
  • Improves the beauty of your trees and landscape. 
Keep your trees healthy by mulching properly. 

Graphics available on Google Drive. 
