Winter stormwater tips

Stormwater runoff may seem like a summer concern, but melting snow can wash pollutants into our streams just as rain can. Salt and other deicers are necessary for safe sidewalks and streets, but not healthy for our local creeks. 

You can take a few simple steps to make sure that salt stays put instead of ending up in our waterways.

  • Shovel as much snow as possible to decrease the need for salt. 
  • Be sure to follow the instructions for applying salt and don’t use too much - adding more does not make the snow melt faster. 
  • Apply any ice-melting products at the beginning of a snow or ice storm. This prevents ice from bonding to the pavement and will ensure that less salt is needed. 
  • Once the temperature dips below 15°F, salt is unable to melt the ice. Regular playground sand can be used to increase traction. Be sure to clean sand up properly during thaws since sand can clog storm drains.

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